Get notified on slack#

This example shows how to set-up a slackbot.

First, you need to setup things in slack. Follow this guide to create a custom Slack bot to deploy to your workspace:


Create a new workspace!

It is advised to create a new workspace (for free) in Slack before starting spamming people…! ;)

You can go here to create the app:

Give it a name (‘codebot’ for example) and select the workspace where it will be deployied.

Once you have created the app, you need to grant it acces to writing and reading in your workspace. Go to OAuth $ Permissions and in Scopes and add:

  • channels:read

  • chat:write

Install the app in your workspace and copy the OAuth Token

Finally, create a secret file (no extension needed) somewhere hidden on your system and paste the token in it. You will reference this file when you create your SlackBot. In the example below it is saved in in the folder .tokens with the name slack

from codebots.bots import SlackBot

# Create a SlackBot instance from the credentials that you have set-up before
# (if you don't know how, check the documentation page)
bot = SlackBot()

# or create a bot an access token file ".tokens/slack.json"
# bot = SlackBot(".tokens/slack.json")

# Ask the bot to send a test message to a the 'general' channel of your workspace
bot.send_message(channel='general', message='test')