
class codebots.bots.deploybot. DeployBot ( project = None , config_file = None ) [source]

Bot to help with the deployment of code on a server. It uses a sshBot in the background.

project str

project name. It is used to find the configuration file associated to it.

config_file json

path to a json file containing the required info. You can use the command line to create one or manually configure a json file following this template:

    "local_repo_path" :  "_______",
    "server_repo_path" : "_______",
    "server_addres" :    "_______",


  • You need to have an sshbot settings configured to grant access to the server.

  • You must have :code:git>=2.25 on the server side.


bot = DeployBot('my_project')
local_repo_path str

path to the local clone of the repository

server_repo_path str

path to the server bare repository.

server_addres str

complete server address ( username@host ).

server_complete_path str

complete path to the server repository ( username@host:pat/to/server/repository )

local_repo obj

gitpython Repo object pointing to the local repository.


deploy_to_server ([remote_name, local_name, …])

Deploy the changes to the server.