Getting Started

codebots is a family of very different bots that can make very different things.

A simple example of a typical applicaiton can be to have a bot to send you a message (over email, slack, telegram, …) once your code triggers an action.

For example:

import codebots
from codebots.bots import <your-bot>

bot = <your-bot>(...)


bot.send_message("your code is working!")

or simply using a decorator:

import codebots

def your_awesome_function(args, kwargs)

But with codebots you can also set-up ssh connections, run commands on a host directly from your code, deploy your application on a server using git hooks, and much more…!

For more datiled examples of applications, check the links below!



The source of everything is…….the commmand line (yup!). Hence, the fist step is to get familiar with codebots ’s CLI.

However, shells and terminals are for nerds (yup!). Why don’t you try to use codebots functionalities iniside a script?! check these out:


codebots was born to get notifications once my simulations where complete. Let’s see how do it! Currently, you can get notified by email, slack or telegram (I suggest telegram because it is super easy to setup).

ssh and deploy

Have you have ever tried to set-up an ssh connection wiht a linux server?! If yes. you know the pain of generating keys, aliases, etc. Well, it is actually not that hard, but at the beginning can be intimitading, so why not let codebots do it for us?

Even better, why not be one of those cool kids who do DevOps and set-up an automtic deployment of our app?! You can do all this with codebots …magic! :)