Get notified on telegram ¶
This example shows how to set-up a telegram bot. First, you need to setup things in telegram.
Create your own bot ¶
On Telegram, search
@ BotFather
and send him a/start
message; -
and BotFather will guide you through the creation of a new bot; -
Your bot is now ready: annotate your API token !
On Telegram, search your bot (by the username you just created), and send a
Set-up a
Now that your bot is ready, you need to store your token on your machine and link
it to
. Piece of cake… ;)
Open your Terminal and type (make sure to remove the < > when pasting your token:
telebot set-token <paste-your-token-here>
DONE! if everything went smooth, you should be able to send messages over slack. Try it:
telebot send "ciao mamma!"
In action ¶
This type of bot is most useful inside scripts (for example to send a message at
some function completion). This is an example implementation (but check the
from codebots.bots import TeleBot
# Create a TeleBot instance from the credentials that you have set-up before
# (if you don't know how, check the documentation page)
bot = TeleBot()
# # or create a bot an access token file ".tokens/telegram.json"
# bot = TeleBot('.tokens/telegram.json')
# Ask the bot to send a test message
bot.send_message('ciao mamma')