Source code for codebots.bots.deploybot

import os
from git import Repo
from ._bot import BaseBot


[docs]class DeployBot(BaseBot): """Bot to help with the deployment of code on a server. It uses a `sshBot` in the background. Warnings -------- * You need to have an sshbot settings configured to grant access to the server. * You must have :code:git>=2.25 on the server side. Parameters ---------- project : str project name. It is used to find the configuration file associated to it. config_file : json path to a json file containing the required info. You can use the command line to create one or manually configure a json file following this template: .. code-block:: json { "local_repo_path" : "_______", "server_repo_path" : "_______", "server_addres" : "_______", } Attributes ---------- local_repo_path : str path to the local clone of the repository server_repo_path : str path to the server bare repository. server_addres : str complete server address (*username@host*). server_complete_path : str complete path to the server repository (*username@host:pat/to/server/repository*) local_repo : obj gitpython Repo object pointing to the local repository. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python bot = DeployBot('my_project') bot.deploy_to_server() """ def __init__(self, project=None, config_file=None) -> None: self.__name__ = "deploybot" if not config_file: if not project: raise ValueError("Either a project name or a config_file must be passed") from .. import TOKENS config_file = os.path .join(TOKENS, "{}.json".format(project)) super().__init__(config_file) self.server_complete_path = "{}:{}".format(self.server_address, self.server_repo_path) self.local_repo = Repo(self.local_repo_path)
[docs] def deploy_to_server(self, remote_name="deploy", local_name="master", commit_message="deployed"): """Deploy the changes to the server. Parameters ---------- remote_name : str, optional name of the git remote, by default "deploy" local_name : str, optional name of the local branch to push, by default "master" commit_message : str, optional message for the commit, by default "deployed" """ if remote_name not in self.local_repo.remotes: self.configure_local() self._git_push(commit_message, remote_name, local_name)
def _git_hooks(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _git_push(self, commit_message, remote_name, local_name, commit=True): """Push the local repo to the server Parameters ---------- commit_message : str message for the commit. remote_name : str name of the git remote. local_name : str, optional name of the local branch to push. commit : bool, optional add untracked files and commit changes, by default True. """ # avoid the case that there is nothing to commit if (self.local_repo.index.diff(None) or self.local_repo.untracked_files) and commit: self.local_repo.git.add(A=True) self.local_repo.git.commit(m=commit_message) print('changes committed') else: print('no changes to commit') print('local deployed to server') self.local_repo.git.push('--set-upstream', remote_name, local_name)
# def print_commit(commit): # print('----') # print(str(commit.hexsha)) # print("\"{}\" by {} ({})".format(commit.summary, #, # # print(str(commit.authored_datetime)) # print(str("count: {} and size: {}".format(commit.count(), # commit.size))) # def print_repository(repo): # print('Repo description: {}'.format(repo.description)) # print('Repo active branch is {}'.format(repo.active_branch)) # for remote in repo.remotes: # print('Remote named "{}" with URL "{}"'.format(remote, remote.url)) # print('Last commit for repo is {}.'.format(str(repo.head.commit.hexsha)))